Poly Vine Guards


Resilient heavy duty plastic, long life vine guards designed by vignerons for vignerons to guard your investment.

*  Training Guard
*  Spray Guard
*  (Also available - Biodegrable Vine Guard, with lighter material)

*  Low cost: efficient and effective design
*  Simple yet robust 
*  Re-usable - long life ECOSAFE material
*  Big diameter - (95mm Nom'1 diameter)
*  Patented clip and tag joining system
*  Supplied in packs of 100, with clips

Supporting growth
*  The colour 'tint' is ideal for accelerated plant growth, yet resists UV break down damage
*  'Disbudding' young vines.  Guard opens for easy access then snaps closed automatically
* Protects vines from vermin, sprays, wind and cold

Easy to assemble and install
*  Easily relocated - designed to be tough

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