Vinstakes & Extensions

Vineyard Trellis Post and Post Extension System
VInstake is suitable for loads up to 37 tonne/Ha (15 tons/acre). Ideal for high quality crops, controlled bud numbers, sunlight fruit development, Shoot or Cane positioning such as Vertical Shoot Positiioning, Scott Henry, Smart Dyson and Ballerina.
* Wires snap in easily and are retained against the wind
* Mechanical or manual foliage wire lifting
* Foliage wires can follow changing canopy growth development
* Sunlight into crop providing colour and disease control
* Wind management
* Springflex system - vines mechanically harvest easily
* 1.6mm thick high-tensile steel standard duty posts
* Strong - Heavy GALVANISED and "Lanolin" coated to resist corrosive environments.
* Tags spaced at 120mm to hold trellis wires
* Plain untagged base for maximum strength
* Wedges into soil to prevent sinking
* Long-lasting
* Versatile
* Easily installed
* Low cost
* Wire clips are an integral part of the post. They can be produced to any length and the clip, or tab, spacing is 120mm.
Installation Video CLICK > Video below